ALI A14 Standards Set
American Ladder Institute ANSI/ASC A14 Standards Set
- Format:
- Language(s) :
- Published :
- English
- 2012
Get all seven current ANSI/ASC/ALI A14 standards for the price of six! Save $250!
This set includes:
- A14.1-2007
This Standard prescribes rules and establishes minimum requirements for the construction, testing, care, and use of the common types of portable wood ladders described herein in order to ensure safety under normal conditions of usage. A14.1 also prescribes the rules and minimum requirements for labeling. - A14.2-2007
This standard prescribes rules and establishes minimum requirements for the construction, testing, care, and use of portable metal ladders of various types including, but not limited to, portable extension, step, trestle, sectional, combination, single, and platform laddres. A14.2 also prescribes rules and minimum requirements for labelling.This standard now includes items covered in A14.10.
- A14.3-2008
This standard prescribes minimum requirements for the
design, construction, and use of fixed ladders, and sets
forth requirements for cages, wells, and ladder safety
systems used with fixed ladders, in order to minimize
personal injuries. All parts and appurtenances necessary
for a safe and efficient ladder shall be considered integral
parts of the design. - A14.4-2009
This safety standard prescribes minimum requirements
and recommendations for the construction, design,
installation, and use of job-made wooden ladders in order
to minimize personal injuries. This standard does not
cover portable manufactured or portable job-made ladders,
permanent fixed ladders, or mobile-equipment ladders.The purpose of this standard is to provide reasonable
safety for life and limb during any construction or
demolition operation where conditions are not practical
or permit the erection of temporary stairs or ramps.
This standard provides a guide for compliance with
minimum required specifications when job-made wooden
ladders are being constructed for temporary access on
construction and demolition operations. - A14.5-2007
This Standard prescribes the rules governing the safe construction of portable reinforced plastic ladders of various types including, but not limited to, step stools, portable extension, step, trestle, sectional combination, single, and platform ladders. A14.5 also prescribes rules and minimum requirements for labeling.The purpose of this standard is to provide reasonable
safety for life, limb, and property. In order to develop
an effective safety program, the standard may serve also
as a basis for purchase requirements and for instructions
in personnel training, and in the preparation of motivational/
instructional material such as safety practices,
manuals, posters, and the like.This standard is also intended to provide the manufacturer,
purchaser, and user of reinforced plastic ladders
with a set of performance and dimensional requirements
against which this product may be compared. It is not
the purpose of this standard to specify all the details of
construction of portable reinforced plastic ladders. The
limitations imposed are for the purpose of providing
adequate general requirements and testing methods
needed for consistency. - A14.7-2006
This standard prescribes rules and requirements governing
the proper design, construction, testing, care, use,
and maintenance of mobile ladder stands and mobile
ladder stand platforms including labeling /marking of
these units.It excludes special purpose units that do not meet the
general requirements of this standard.This standard establishes requirements to be met for
the design, construction, testing, care, maintenance and
use of mobile ladder stands and mobile ladder stand
platforms.In order for users to develop effective operating
procedures, this standard may also serve as a basis
for instructing and training personnel in proper equipment
use.It is not the purpose of this standard to specify all the
details of construction of mobile ladder stands and
mobile ladder stand platforms. The limitations imposed
are for the purpose of providing adequate general
requirements and test methods. - A14.9-2010
This standard prescribes rules concerning the safe
design, construction, testing, care, installation and use
of permanently installed metal or wood, disappearing
attic stairways of various types designed to be used for
access to upper levels such as attics. Household units
with duty ratings of 250, 300 and 350 lbs., or commercial
units with a rating of 500 lbs. are the only units covered
in this standard. This standard is not intended to apply
to any attic stairway covered in any other ANSI A14
standards, or disappearing attic stairways intended for
use with ceiling heights in excess of 12 feet. This standard
also prescribes rules and minimum requirements for
installation instructions and labeling of disappearing
attic stairways in order to promote safety under normal
conditions of usage.This standard is not intended to cover requirements for
fire separation that may be required by various building
codes. It does not apply where training, supervision, or
established safety procedures are in conflict with, or
serve in lieu of, this standard.
The purpose of this document is to help provide safety
for life, limb, and property by establishing standards
for the design and installation of permanently installed
disappearing attic stairways.It is not the purpose of this standard to specify all the
details of construction of disappearing attic stairways.
The limitations imposed are for the purpose of providing
adequate general methods and testing.
ALI A14 Standards Set | |
Standard Name | ALI A14 Standards Set |
Scope | American Ladder Institute ANSI/ASC A14 Standards Set |
Publisher | ALI - American Ladder Institute |
Languages | English |
State | |
Publication Year | 2012 |
Most recent Version | MOST RECENT |
Whether to be replaced | |
Addendum | |
ANSI | ANSI Approved |
File Size | 7 files , 14 MB |
Note | This product is unavailable in Ukraine, Russia, Belarus |
Published | 2012 |
ALI A14 Standards Set | ||
History | Publisher Year | |
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