CEI EN IEC 62820-3-2
Building intercom systems Part 3-2: Application guidelines – Advanced security building intercom systems (ASBIS)
- Format:
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- Published :
- English
- 09/01/2018
This part of IEC 62820 describes the basic application requirements for Advanced Security Building Intercom Systems (ASBIS) in public and private buildings with advanced safety and security needs. ASBIS are also used to meet the requirements of the Local Regulations of Workplace Safety and/or other relevant local regulations, in particular, protecting the life and limb of employees and all persons in the building, taking into account the inclusion of people with disabilities (e.g to achieve barrier-free access or calls for help) where required by local applicable law.
This document applies for planning, installation, commissioning, handover, operation and maintenance of ASBIS, for the transmission of emergency, danger and hazard audio messages and/or other operational indications to an assisting authority for remote assessment and for implementing suitable intervention-, protection- and rescue measures. Additional information can also be transmitted and the system can be used in day-to-day work for all communication needs. ASBIS also feature in high availability for end unit monitoring and system monitoring.
Advanced Security Building Intercom Systems (ASBIS) are used for rapid emergency, danger and hazard calls, verification by voice communication, warning of a danger, rapid notification of the responsible emergency / intervention services and for sending voice instructions and/or other operational indications on how to proceed. Requirements for a suitable concept are a prior risk assessment and a definition of the protection target. The Technical-Risk Management (TRM) and Organizational Risk-Management (ORM) have to work out a common workflow strategy in conjunction with the corresponding system requirements, to achieve the residual risks. This document provides requirements for the technical riskmanagement as well as comments and recommendations for the organizational riskmanagement.
The present application document for an ASBIS describes among others, the technological processes and responsibilities involved in supporting all processes, from detecting an event (visitor-call, emergency, danger, hazard) until that event is finally dealt with. It includes TRM, the defining protection goals and organizational procedures, and the necessary requirements for a TRM file. This document defines three different safety/security grades, with the product requirements for each. Selecting products which can be deployed as technical resources as part of an ASBIS is the responsibility of the TRM to be employed.
This document, taken together with an ASBIS, also defines the associated tasks, responsibilities, and activities. These are elements of a holistic TRM process to meet the protection goals for personnel safety/security, efficiency and effectiveness, data- and system security. This document does not specify any risk levels. In particular, it does not define any acceptable residual risks. The TRM and ORM are of equal importance in the overall risk management (see Annex C).
This document defines the technical requirement profiles for ASBIS for three safety/security grades. It is the TRM responsibility to determine the grade involved, based on their risk assessment, selecting whichever grade best matches the risk identified, allowing for an acceptable residual risk. The annexes to this document will assist in assessing risks.
This document also describes the process for creating, maintaining and updating a TRM file. The risks are listed, assessed and residual risks are defined in this document. The analysed results define the extent and the structure of the ASBIS. An ASBIS is a part of a whole solution for managing certain events, such as emergencies or crises.
The structure and operation of an ASBIS demands TRM over the entire life cycle of the ASBIS. The monitoring of an ASBIS over its life cycle is a part of the TRM file.
This document is intended to aid implementation of legal and miscellaneous requirements.
Depending on the requirements of the Local Disabilities Act, or the relevant regulation for people with disabilities, an ASBIS can be used for the implementation of such local regulations, which means, communication in two different formats such as light and sound (two-meaning principle).
This document applies in its entire scope for other remote signalling and information technology systems if they include the functions of Advanced Security Building Intercom Systems (ASBIS).
This document does not replace any relevant standards for safety/security systems or other relevant systems. Such systems can however be integrated within an ASBIS taking these standards into account.
If the regulations in standards for such systems contradict this document, the TRM weighs up the regulations with each other, assesses them, and documents them in the decision as a deviation from the standard in the TRM file.
The recommendations and requirements of IEC 62820-3-1 are mandatory for this document. Exceptions are to be decided by the TRM and to be documented in the TRM file.
CEI EN IEC 62820-3-2 | |
Standard Name | CEI EN IEC 62820-3-2 |
Scope | Building intercom systems Part 3-2: Application guidelines - Advanced security building intercom systems (ASBIS) |
Publisher | CEI - Comitato Elettrotecnico Italiano |
Languages | English |
State | [ Active ] |
Publication Year | 2018 |
Most recent Version | MOST RECENT |
Whether to be replaced | |
Addendum | |
Edition | 18 |
File Size | 1 file , 2.8 MB |
Number of Pages | 68 |
Published | 09/01/2018 |
CEI EN IEC 62820-3-2 | ||
History | Publisher Year | |
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