CSA Z96:22
High-Visibility Safety Apparel
- Format:
- Language(s) :
- Published :
- English,French
- 03/17/2022
This is the fourth edition of CSA Z96, High-visibility safety apparel. It supersedes the previous editions published in 2015, 2009, and 2002. This edition is designed to be in technical harmony with ANSI/ISEA 107 and ISO 20471. The major changes to this edition include the following: a) abbreviations and definitions have been updated to align with terminology found in ANSI/ISEA 107; b) updated reference publications, removing the withdrawn CGSB 86.1 and including ASTM and ISO references; c) titles have been added to each Clause for clarity; d) new requirements for bib-style overalls have been added to Clause 4.5; e) each Clause content has been updated; f) the previous Clause 5.7 on ergonomics was combined and moved to Clause 4.2; and g) the informative Annex material has been revised and colour removed from the drawings.
CSA Group acknowledges the development of this Standard was made possible, in part, by the financial support of the Canadian Association of Administrators of Labour Law -Occupational Safety and Health (CAALL-OSH), including provincial and territorial governments, as well as the Government of Canada. CSA Group is solely responsible for the content of this Standard, and CSA Group and the funding bodies disclaim any liability in connection with the use of the information contained herein. This Standard has been developed in compliance with Standards Council of Canada requirements for National Standards of Canada. It has been published as a National Standard of Canada by CSA Group.
1.1 Inclusions
1.1.1 General
This Standard specifies requirements for HVSA that is a) capable of signaling the user's presence visually; and b) intended to provide the user with conspicuity in hazardous situations under any light conditions and under illumination by vehicle headlights.
1.1.2 Performance requirements
Performance requirements in HVSA are included for a) colour; b) retroreflection and minimum areas, as well as for the configuration of the materials; c) the physical properties of background materials used in the construction of HVSA; and d) conspicuous materials. Specifies classes of HVSA, minimum areas, and placement of conspicuous materials are also addressed. Note: Conspicuity is enhanced by high contrast between clothing and the work environment against which it is seen. Test methods are provided in this Standard to ensure a minimum level of visibility is maintained when HVSA is subjected to ongoing care procedures. This Standard specifies minimum amounts of retroreflective materials, together with colour and requirements for placement of materials, for HVSA used to enhance the visibility and safety of workers. HVSA classes are identified, and appropriate markings for HVSA are recommended.
1.2 Terminology
In this Standard, "shall" is used to express a requirement, i.e., a provision that the user is obliged to satisfy in order to comply with the Standard; "should" is used to express a recommendation or that which is advised but not required; and "may" is used to express an option or that which is permissible within the limits of the Standard. Notes accompanying clauses do not include requirements or alternative requirements; the purpose of a note accompanying a clause is to separate from the text explanatory or informative material. Notes to tables and figures are considered part of the table or figure and may be written as requirements. Annexes are designated normative (mandatory) or informative (non-mandatory) to define their application.
1.3 Units of measurement
The values given in SI units are the units of record for the purposes of this Standard. The values given in parentheses are for information and comparison only.
CSA Z96:22 | |
Standard Name | CSA Z96:22 |
Scope | High-Visibility Safety Apparel |
Publisher | CSA - CSA Group |
Languages | English,French |
State | |
Publication Year | 2022 |
Most recent Version | MOST RECENT |
Whether to be replaced | |
Addendum | |
Edition | 4th |
File Size | 1 file , 2 MB |
ISBN(s) | 9781488342097 |
Note | This product is unavailable in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus |
Number of Pages | 57 |
Product Code(s) | 2429915, 2429916, 2429915, 2429916 |
Published | 03/17/2022 |
CSA Z96:22 | ||
History | Publisher Year | |
CSA Z96:22 | 2022 | Current |
CSA Z96-15 (R2020) | 2015 | |
CSA Z96-09 (R2014) | 2009 | |
CAN/CSA Z96-02 | 2003 |
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