ICAO 10004

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ICAO 10004


Historical Version

Global Aviation Safety Plan




The GASP is a strategic document that enables States, regions and industry to adopt a flexible, step-by-step approach for safety planning and implementation. In accordance with ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs), States must develop their safety oversight capabilities and implement an SSP. The GASP is a means for States to achieve compliance with ICAO safety-related SARPs and to go beyond the minimum level of compliance by proactively enhancing safety through the management of operational safety risks. The GASP assists States to identify deficiencies and prioritize actions so they can meet their safety responsibilities by providing an implementation strategy presented in the global aviation safety roadmap. The GASP further assists States in strengthening their capabilities in the management of safety through a structured process founded on the critical elements (CEs) of a State safety oversight system. A State’s safety responsibilities comprise both safety oversight and safety management, collectively implemented through an SSP.

Although the GASP provides a global perspective, regional SEIs, including those involving individual States, should be coordinated through the RASGs to address specific safety concerns in line with the GASP goals and targets. In addition, States, regions and industry should prioritize SEIs to first establish effective safety oversight capabilities and then address operational safety risks effectively.

The GASP and GANP support each other by recognizing the need for appropriate infrastructure to support safe operations. The coordination of activities between the RASGs and the planning and implementation regional groups (PIRGs) are key to the successful implementation of the GASP and the GANP, respectively, since increases in air navigation capacity and improvements in efficiency must be done in a safe manner and appropriate safety nets are required to prevent accidents.

Note.— The Safety Management Manual (Doc 9859) contains guidance related to a State’s safety management responsibilities.

ICAO 10004
Standard NameICAO 10004
ScopeGlobal Aviation Safety Plan
PublisherICAO - International Civil Aviation Organization
State[ Revised ]
Publication Year2020
Most recent VersionICAO 10004
Whether to be replacedView the most recent version.
Number of Pages144
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ICAO 10004
HistoryPublisher Year
ICAO 100042023
ICAO 100042020Current
ICAO 100042017
ICAO 100042016

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