Radio Man: the Remarkable Rise and Fall of C.O. Stanley
- Format:
- Language(s) :
- Published :
- English
- 01/01/2002
PBHT030E * 9780852962039
The names of CO. Stanley and Pye were associated with some of
the most dramatic applications of modern electronics in the
post-war years. Pye pioneered radio telephones, equipping Britain's
first fleet of radio cabs and bringing mobile phones to the police.
Sir John Hunt took Pye radios with him to Mount Everest (though not
quite to the summit). By the time of the crisis in 1966 Pye was the
world's leading exporter of mobile radio phones. The company led
the way in instrument landing systems for airports. It produced
Britain's first transistor radio. In the 1950s it exported
television cameras round the world, even selling them to the United
States. A Pye camera was used to make the first picture guided
deep-sea recovery when a Comet, the pride of Britain's civil
aviation in the 1960s, crashed in the Mediterranean. Television
made both boss and company rich. It provided Pye's greatest
profits, above all in the ten years after the war when it
manufactured the highest quality television sets on the market. And
yet, if the company's new management were to be believed,
television brought C.O. Stanley low. They published figures showing
losses, chiefly on the television side, totalling millions of
pounds. The bulk of this was the result of overproduction of
television sets that cost too much and were of variable quality. A
late attempt to break into the important TV rental market made a
bad situation worse. The more one studied the reports of the events
of 1966 the more obvious it seemed that the explanation was less
likely to be found in the accountants' reports and balance sheets
than in the years that went before. That was where the story had to
be buried; the end already being written in the beginning, final
failure the undeniable child of earlier success. C.O. Stanley was
indeed a 'family man', and it was his family that held the first
clues to his remarkable rise and fall.
M. Frankland
Radio Man: the Remarkable Rise and Fall of C.O. Stanley | |
Standard Name | Radio Man: the Remarkable Rise and Fall of C.O. Stanley |
Scope | |
Publisher | Engineering - Institution of Engineering and Technology |
Languages | English |
State | [ Active ] |
Publication Year | 2002 |
Most recent Version | MOST RECENT |
Whether to be replaced | |
Addendum | |
Edition | 02 |
File Size | 1 file , 12 MB |
Number of Pages | 376 |
Published | 01/01/2002 |
Radio Man: the Remarkable Rise and Fall of C.O. Stanley | ||
History | Publisher Year | |
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- Language(s) :
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- English
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